
Hosted by the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET) under the auspices of ASEAN Association for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (AACLS).

Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: The New Normal in Clinical Laboratory Science

DATE: 27 June 2020 (Saturday)
TIME: 9.00 am - 12.00 pm MYT (GMT+8)

Dr Leila Lany Florento (AACLS Past President)


  1. Next Normal in Laboratory Medicine (Dr Endang Hoyaranda, PATEKI, Indonesia)
  2. What's New in Laboratory Testing: Post Pandemic (Dr Manee Tachaviriya, AMTT, Thailand)
  3. Experience of A Stand-Alone Private Laboratory in Malaysia (Dr Kuan Chee Sian, MIMLS, Malaysia)
  4. Heightened Awareness of Biosafety and Biosecurity in Clinical Laboratories (Asst. Prof. Oliver Shane Dumaoal, PAMET, Philippines)

QUOTA: 1000 participants with Zoom application
(First-come-first-served basis, or join PAMET Facebook LIVE)

For registration, visit the link: tiny.cc/3rdAACLSWebinar